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8,40 PLN

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rodzaje i koszty wysyłki


ISBN: 9780099767114

Autor: Laverty

EGZEMPLARZ EKSPOZYCYJNY Książka w języku angielskim Bernard MacLavertys Cal is perhaps on of the saddest books of the last 20 years. The story of a young Catholic man in Northern Ireland, it slowly but surely tears your heart out.

Cal is an unemployed young man who has very tenuous ties to the IRA. He begins to fall for the widow of one of his groups victims as he tries to break free from the IRAs clutches. All the while he is forced to bear the prejudices of his Protestant neighbors.

MacLaverty skillfully writes the tale. He never fools you about how the story will end but none the less he manages to make the reader invest some emotion in Cal so that when the inevitable comes you are just wiped out.

This is a wonderful piece of modern Irish literature.

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